Journals, Journals, Journals!

Writing, scripting, and expressing emotions through pen and paper can be profoundly beneficial, often underestimated. These journals are a product of my intense spiritual journey, spanning 72 pages. They are filled with introspective questions, daily tasks thoughtfully paired with prompts, and reflections designed to reveal that the world is aligned to support you rather than oppose you.

These journals serve as a catalyst for personal evolution, encouraging deep contemplation on your actions, your relationships, the mechanisms of the world, and ways to liberate oneself from societal norms (e.g., traditional career paths, marriage, and predefined life trajectories). While these milestones can be fulfilling, I believe true happiness and peace do not necessarily require conforming to a predefined mold. Much of my own fulfillment has come from embracing a path less traveled and discovering my own journey.

Within these journals, you will cultivate self-confidence, independent thought, and the discipline to explore beyond conventional boundaries. This transformative program promises to reshape your life if you dedicate yourself fully to the 31-day journey.

The 31 Day Self Mastery (Level 1) Journal

The 31 Day Self Mastery (Level 1) Journal is a program that I formulated based on my journal entries from the years 2020-2022 when I was going through an intense spiritual awakening. These daily journal prompts, tasks, and reflections are relevant to any person’s lives and can help any person get to know themselves better, have more confidence in themselves, and also create LASTING discipline.

These journals would be fun to do as a group, as a family, and to evolve your mindset. You can learn that things aren’t always as they seem, can help you realize your blind spots in life, and how to set boundaries that are right for you. By implementing self love tasks daily, you can learn to prioritize yourself for at least a small portion of the day and retrieve your autonomy back.

These journals have changed everything about my life…

As the author of these journals, I complete them both 2-3 times per year to check in with myself. I find this journal is reusable, practical, and evolutionary in making me the person that I have become. I have went from a heavy drinker, partier, and people pleaser into a business owner who has the most amount of discipline, works out daily, is emotionally mature, and maintains a positive mindset. With this, I am able to pour my overflowing cup into other’s cups. I teach this program in my client journey’s as well and it has been a total game changer for everyone that has completed. Most clients have completed it one, two, or three times over as well. If you are looking for unwavering confidence to follow your heart and the discipline to make it happen, unpacking your past in a fun way through this journal is necessary. Please leave a review— and thank you SO MUCH for the support!

The 31 Day Self Mastery (Level 2) Journal

The 31 Day Self Mastery (Level 2) Journal is a program that I formulated based on my journal entries from the years 2020-2022 when I was going through an intense spiritual awakening. This book is similar to level one in it’s format, but focuses on advanced spiritual concepts like spiritual hygiene and how to transmute your pain into strength to create the world in front of you.

This journal perfect for a person that considers themself self-aware, connected, and intuitive. I recommend completing Level 2 AFTER Level 1!

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